Have you ever wanted to meet the Chi Omega Sisters of your neighboring chapters? States Days have become a way to do just that, as a venue for all Chi Omegas, alumnae and actives, to come together to share and celebrate the past, present, and the future.
Chi Omega has fostered authentic connections over the past 125 years and Sisters’ desire to gather with Chi Omegas from all across the state not only shows their state pride, but also their pride in our Fraternity.
Serving as an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, as well as meet new friends, State Days are designed to constellate Chi Omegas from all ages, chapters, and backgrounds. Sometimes a keynote speaker, a ceremony honoring 50-year members, or updates on Chi Omega today are included in the festivities, but the core of the event is to reacquaint Sisters to Chi Omega and to each other.
Several states have made State Days a tradition, further instilling the lifelong commitment to Chi Omega in thousands of Sisters over the years.
Chi-O-Hio Day
“Attending Chi-O-Hio Day was such an impactful experience because it allowed me to see that Chi Omega is so much bigger than my friend group or even my own chapter. There are so many amazing Chi Omega women who are yearning to connect with and support each other, and that is the impact of this Sisterhood. State Days allow us to connect with Sisters close to home while still expanding our view of what Chi Omega is,” Divya Ramoo, Regional Director of the Gulf Coast Region.
Chi-O-Hio Day is held in the odd years every biennium. A state board plans the event that typically includes an alumnae dinner, workshops, a Saturday luncheon, and a keynote speaker. Scholarships and other awards are also given by alumnae chapters and the Chi-O-Hio board throughout the weekend. The event usually rotates to different locations in Ohio.
“Chi-O-Hio Day is our mini-convention. Those of us who have been attending for years can’t wait to see Chi Omegas who we only see every two years. Then, it is like we have never been apart. The memories of our Chi-O-Hio Days are priceless. We wish all Chi Omegas in other states had the opportunity to share this experience,” Ronda Deer and Janie Cochran, Ohio Alumnae who have held various roles in executing Chi-O-Hio Day over the years.
Mississippi State Day
Each year Mississippi rotates the city who hosts their annual State Day. The alumnae chapter in that city is in charge of planning the board meeting, early arrival party, social event, and the luncheon.
Both having formerly served as S.H., Mary Ann Fruge and Roselyn Threadgill Dabbs contributed greatly to initiating the first Mississippi State Day.

“Though my job allows me to connect with members on a daily basis, there’s nothing like coming home to Chi Omega and spending time with women from your initiating chapter and state. Mississippi State Day has given me the opportunity to connect with alumnae of all generations, meet inspiring women, reminisce with my collegiate advisors, and celebrate the accomplishments of our Mississippi chapters year after year. I believe that it is important for alumnae to not only reconnect with each other but also understand the impact that their Chi Omega experience can have on collegians today. I always leave State Day with a renewed love for Chi Omega and the knowledge that we truly are Sisters on purpose,” Becca Barry Frasier, Regional Director of the Southwest Central Region.

Arkansas State Day
Arkansas’s first State Day took place in 2000. During the Saturday event Sisters typically join together for a luncheon, a fashion show, awards, and for special recognitions.
During the first Arkansas State Day one of the speakers shared:
“We are all aware of the changes that have occurred in the 105 years of our history. We are committed today to understanding and adapting to the changing world – without losing our traditions, strengths, and values. And today, as we celebrate the past – enjoy the present – and plan for the future, I am reminded of this poem,
Hold high the torch, You did not light its glow
It was given to you by other hands, you know
It’s your task to keep it burning bright
And pass it on when someone else needs light.
We celebrate Chi Omega, our women, their goals, and our future!”
Texas State Day

The late George H.W. Bush attended Texas State Day in Houston on April 12, 1969, with Chi Omega dignitaries. He delivered a speech at the luncheon held at the “beautiful new Marriott Motor Hotel.”
Florida State Day
Florida State Day is a biannual event that was started in 2013 with the first event bringing together over 50 collegians and 50 alumnae representing chapters from all over the United States.
Florida’s biannual event typically hosts a keynote speaker, a Chi O Creations boutique, and The Owl Tree for Sisters to give to the Chi Omega Foundation.
This story included excerpts from the information we currently have in our archives. If you would like to submit State Day information or photos please email them to marketing@chiomega.com. If you are interested in starting a State Day or receiving information about State Days in your area contact Kay Calloway, Director of Alumnae, kay.calloway@chiomega.com.